To turn Brouq to a Multi-Industry as well as a Multi-Brand organization, and to take the snack category to higher, healthier level. We believe that the sky is our limit.
Brouq has steadfast commitment to quality and believes that it begins with each and every member in the company.
Apart of the continuous investment in IT, Machinery and Logistics to cope up with the growth in turnover, we believe that the real investment remains in the human resources.
As a key drive of growth in any organization, Brouq invests on creating new product as well as packaging concepts. Many ideas have been launched and quite few are on the pipeline.
With our clients’ base and the growing market share which makes us one of the leading food trading companies in Qatar, Brouq can be involved in reselling of canned, preserved and frozen foodstuff, or any of the items mentioned
in this class.
As an additional step to provide a full service in the HoReCa business, we include the repacking services, which engage the companies working in bulky goods field where we can refill in consumer or commercial packs to make
it ready for final consumption or export.